Do you or your loved one need more support at home even after treatment? Assistance In Recovery’s addiction and mental health mentoring program is a specialized service offered to those individuals who require additional support wherever they are. Our mentoring program begins with an over the phone consult where we determine which of our Masters Level Clinicians may be the best fit for your situation. We will then arrange for our clinician to work with you for a number of days at a time wherever you may be. Your mentor will help you and your recovering loved one to set and meet individual recovery goals and help the family learn to function as a unit again. You can choose to work with the same mentor over the course of many months or even years.
Our mentoring program provides you with a trusting and professional clinician to:
- Assist in transitioning from self-destructive behavior to healthy behavior
- Prepare your home for life after treatment
- Aid in finding a sponsor, meetings, and associated local recovery options
- Build communication between you and your family
Assistance In Recovery’s mentoring program is more than just a vessel that provides you with a sober companion. This program will connect you with a licensed clinical professional who will go above and beyond, doing everything from stripping your home of any and all triggers for abuse to keeping your employer informed of your progress.
If you are looking for immediate direction following your stay in treatment, our mentoring program can be the perfect fit. Not only will our addiction mentor support you with daily structure, but he or she can also serve as a source of comfort during this period of transition.
For more information about our mentoring program, please contact us at 800.561.8158. Please also visit our other recovery management support options via the following links: